Deenpreneurs: What, Why & How

Salam Deenpreneurs,

Happy to see you here. Most likely, we don’t know each other yet. Let’s get to know each other.

My name is Maruf. In the last 10 years, I have been working with Muslim entrepreneurs and professionals. I talked to over a 1000 via one-on-one meetings over the years.

Now I would like to share what I learned from them in this newsletter. I am also looking forward to learning from you and what you think about this.

But before we go too far, you might be asking “What is a Deenpreneur? Why bother? How does it work?”

I agree these are all great questions. Let’s dive in.

What is a Deenpreneur? What is in the name?

These Muslims I have talked to over the last 10 years, they have many things in common. One of them is that they want everything even what they do for a living center around God – Allah SWT – One True God worthy of worship.

I have been looking for a special name for these people. What you seek is seeking you. I can’t remember where but I saw somewhere that there were many kinds of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur, wantrepreneur, intrapreneur, mompreneur, dadpreneur and even teenpreneur.

This is when it hit me. What about a Deenpreneur? Deen means a way of life for Muslims who live Islam as their way of life. It seems to me a great match 🙂

This is how the name came to be.

Why does it matter?

As mentioned before, when you talk to so many people, you will begin to see patterns. What I noticed was that these Muslims had good-paying jobs but they were not satisfied. Something was missing. The main reason was that what they did was not connected to their main purpose in life or calling.

At the core of all of these was a clash of worldviews. Islam looks at this life and beyond while the Western secular worldview was obsessed material part of life and worshipped material success.

Muslims especially those who live in the West adopted their worldview to some extent consciously or subconsciously. Now this was showing its early symptoms.

I had a first-hand experience of how they felt. You see I was in their shoes 10 years ago.

My story in length is coming in the next article. Stay tuned… 🙂

How does it work? What to do next?

I plan to publish articles related to Muslims, startups, entrepreneurship, purpose, meaning, serving God, etc. You are welcome to read, comment, and share your feedback.

By the way, if you like what you read so far, there is more…

This is a part of the series. Here is what you should do so you don’t miss a thing.

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Further reading

2 Most Important Days In Your Life

Salam Deenpreneurs, Today I would like to write about the two most important days in your life. “The two most important days in your life are the day...