
2 Most Important Days In Your Life

Salam Deenpreneurs,

Today I would like to write about the two most important days in your life.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain.

The first one is the day you are born – your birthday. Hopefully, I don’t have to convince you why this day is important for you or any of us. Most people celebrate their birthdays every year.

How about the second most important day in your life – the day you find out why? Do you celebrate it as well? Do you even know your why?

Unfortunately, most people don’t even know why they are born let alone celebrating it. I sincerely believe that if we gave as much attention to discovering our “whys” as much as we do to celebrate our birthdays, we would have more people living with purpose, passion, and prosperity.

Why bother? Before I can share why it is important, we need to address this question first.

In the movie The Matrix, the lead character Neo was given the option of taking a red pill – the truth, which would enable him to understand what was actually happening outside the illusion created by the Matrix, or a blue pill – to stay in the Matrix, which would allow him to return & keep experiencing only that illusion.

Blue Pill

  • Unfortunately, around 90% of people don’t know their why.
  • Only 10% may discover their purpose.
  • Only 1% will get to live their purpose and potential in full.

Living without a clear sense of purpose can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, aimlessness, and emptiness. Without a sense of direction or meaning, you may struggle to find fulfillment in your daily life and relationships. You may experience a lack of motivation and may drift from one activity or pursuit to another without a sense of fulfillment.

Additionally, not knowing your purpose can lead to a sense of disconnection from yourself, others, and the world around you. It may result in feelings of confusion, anxiety, and even depression as individuals grapple with existential questions and a sense of meaninglessness.

Red Pill

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

When you know your purpose in life, it brings a sense of clarity, fulfillment, and direction. You feel a deep sense of meaning and satisfaction in what they do, knowing that their actions align with your values and aspirations. Having a clear purpose provides motivation and focus, guiding you through challenges and obstacles with resilience and determination.

Knowing one’s purpose also fosters a sense of connection and belonging, both to yourself and to the wider community. It strengthens relationships and allows you to contribute meaningfully to the world around you. You feel a sense of responsibility to use your talents and resources for the greater good, serving others and fulfilling their role in the divine plan.

2 Most Important Things In Life

This is why 2 most important things in life are:

  1. Discover Your Why
  2. Then live it fully or Die While You Try

If it is so amazing to know your why and live it, then why are so many people missing this opportunity?

It is a great question.

There are many excuses. Lack of Self-Awareness. Societal Expectations. Fear of Failure. Lack of Guidance. Distractions.

But the real reason is that you know deep down that you got to let your “ego” go. You need to have a deep desire. No one can or should tell you what your “why” is – your purpose. You have to discover it for yourself.

It also includes diving into the Grand Story of Life. It will take you to the very beginning and how it all started.

Once you are ready, you will begin to see the signs everywhere. In every book you read and every movie you watch, it will be staring right at you.

Of course, I am talking about the hero’s journey – your journey from zero to hero. It is deep in yourself and it has been calling you all along.

As they say, every great journey starts with a single step.

If you are ready, I can help you with nr. 1 – Discover Your Why.

Then it is up to you, what you will do with it.

Are you ready to discover your why?

Then your journey starts here:


By the way, if you like what you read so far, there is more…

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Further reading

Who is calling?

Salam Deenpreneurs, In my previous article, I shared about Calling vs Career vs Job: In this article, I would like to expand on this a bit more. More...